Generational Diversity & Career Dilemmas
Lately, there has been significant discussion about Generational Diversity, categorizing individuals into different groups: Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1976), Generation Y (also known as Millennials or the Baby Boom Echo, born between 1977 and 2000), and Generation Z (born after 2000). The workforce segment typically constitutes any one of these generations each group having conflicting values and attitudes and diverse career needs.
Let’s dwell on the characteristics of each of these generations.
Generation X – Being Independent and does not expect long-term employment security. Many among us belonging to this generation was part of the IT industry boom of the 2000s, shifting from our area of education degree( like Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) to get retrained or reskilled for pursuing our journey in the IT industry which provided better career prospects then.
Generation Y, also known as Millennials – Have matured in an era characterized by advanced technologies and had early exposure to these innovations when compared to Generation X.Hence they exhibit a consistent desire for stimulation and entertainment, seeking flexible work arrangements which enable them to balance work and family life seamlessly. They possess leadership qualities, work effectively in teams, and value the importance of the social environment within the workplace.
Generation Z – They are culture creators, excelling in team spirit and prioritizing the enhancement of their people management skills. They are technological savants who stay connected through smart technology 10 hours plus a day. They possess self-confidence, independence, and autonomy and are entrepreneurial and creative, with a strong inclination towards establishing their businesses to secure their future. Happiness holds significant importance for them, and if they fail to find it in the workplace, they are likely to consider leaving their jobs.
Courtesy: Book- Careers: An Organisational Perspective, By Coetzee.M
With the changing career landscape, every individual irrespective of being part of Gen X, Y, or Z tends to face challenges, concerns, or dilemmas unique to their career context and lives. For Gen X and Y, this could arise from a lack of visible upward trajectory or even a lateral movement to a different job role, lack of foreseeable career direction, or deciding on suitable upskilling options. Some of the reasons for Gen Z would be to find job opportunities aligned with their interest and preferences, manage their motivation level on the work front, and maybe even figure out what role work has to play in their life.
Career Design Counselling is an intervention built from the latest framework of career counseling. In a process which holistic, structured, contextual, and driven by a subjective assessment, the counselor guides the client to develop clarity for designing one’s future course by considering their needs, expectations, and aspirations at their current stage.
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