My Approach

Approach that results in your expected outcomes

Career Design Counselling adapted using the framework of Life Design Counseling follows the below approach followed by outcomes


Counselling 1-to-1 session


Career Design Counselling typically constitutes a minimum of two sessions of one and a half hours each and a follow-up connect session of a similar duration after one month.

Relationship and Communication


Relationship and communication between counselor and counselee are integral parts of the counseling process. Clients’ career concerns and work-role problems are addressed and resolved collaboratively.

Trust and Confidentiality​


The counseling session takes place in a safe environment (online or in-person options available), following the ethics and confidentiality guidelines of the counseling process.


Counselling Objectives Document


The counselor prepares this document drawn from client narratives which provide pointers from personal and career perspectives for the client to reflect on before the next session.

Goal Setting and Action Plan


The client sets goals, and an action plan is arrived at by the client in collaboration with the counselor for charting the future course of action.

Life portrait Assessment


The counselor provides a life-portrait assessment, which aids the client’s career redirection process. This encourages change and opens fresh possibilities for the client.

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